This is the website of the Dutilh Family Foundation
The Dutilh family originates from Aquitaine, the French Region located in the South West of the country, in particular from places like Bearn and Orthez. Until to date this is the region where most Dutilh’s are living.
The Dutch Dutilh family descends from Clairac, the city which its ancestors left in around 1700. At present around ninety descendants live around the world, but most of them still live in The Netherlands, with a large number in both Rotterdam and Amsterdam.
In 1962 the Dutch family established the Dutilh Family Foundation, with three main objectives:
- Maintain and support the interaction between members of the family
- Stimulate collection and preservation of family heritage
- Create a better understanding of the family history
This website is one of the tools to achieve those objectives.
Catarina Dutilh Novaes elected member of KNAW
KNAW The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has elected 22 new members, including Professor of Reasoning and Argumentation, and their history Catarina Dutilh Novaes
Bas Dutilh co-author of article “The human gut microbiome and health inequities”
Bas Dutilh has contributed to an article about the influence of microbes such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses that live in the human digestive tract on health inequities. The article was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) on June 22, 2021 (https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2017947118).
Individuals who are minoritized as a result of race, sexual identity, gender, or socioeconomic status experience a higher prevalence of many diseases. Understanding the biological processes that cause and maintain these socially driven health inequities is essential for addressing them. Our intestinal flora, also known as the human gut microbiome is strongly shaped by host environmental factors and affects host metabolic, immune, and neuroendocrine functions, making it an important pathway by which differences in experiences caused by social, political, and economic forces could contribute to health inequities. At the same time, most studies that investigate the gut microbiome focus on majority populations, while few include the effects of the microbiome on health and disease in minorities. The authors argue that accounting for host-gut microbe interactions will improve understanding and management of health inequities, and that health policy must begin to consider the microbiome as an important pathway linking environments to population health.
Renske Dutilh zwemt 22 km marathon van Stavoren naar Medemblik
Op zaterdag 17 augustus 2019 klonk om 9.00 uur in Stavoren het startschot voor de 50ste IJsselmeer Zwemmarathon Stavoren-Medemblik. 27 zwemmers waagden zich aan de 22 kilometer lange oversteek van Stavoren naar Medemblik. Bekende deelnemers waren Maarten van der Weijden en Kees Bobeldijk. De jongste deelnemer was Renske Dutilh uit Amsterdam. Renske zwemt al vanaf haar 6e jaar en is direct met openwater wedstrijden begonnen. Twee jaar geleden heeft zij haar eerste 10 km gezwommen, wat ze in 2018 heeft herhaald. Het leek haar leuk om dit jaar “iets verder” te gaan.
Featured Portrait
Maria Catharine Dutilh-Carlen (1715-1776). More portraits in the Portrait Gallery.