Dutilh family foundation: what next?

By Jacob Dutilh

40 years ago, the special issue of the Dutilhiteiten related to the 20th anniversary of our family looked ahead to the year 2000. At the time, the editors asked how family members saw the future of our family foundation and what meaning it would have for the members. Below are two of the responses:

The Foundation is there for the family, the family not for the Foundation (board); whether you contribute or not, only the blood ties count in the long run. Now that no one in the family can or wants to fulfill the role of nestor, the Foundation take over some of those tasks. Most important are keeping the family together and arranging the New Year’s reunion. Publishing Dutilhiteiten is fun but certainly not a must.


The Foundation in the year 2000? If no one cancels her, she still exists.

The full Party issue can be found on our site www.dutilh.com.

We are now 40 years later, and our family foundation is still active, thanks to the efforts of some involved family members. On the other hand, it also proves difficult to actively involve people in our foundation, which means that our future is uncertain. Time to take stock and look ahead again. To this end I have made a start, the results of which you can read below.

I personally asked 21 people from different branches of our family to answer some questions. I received a response from 7 people (33%). One of them indicated that he was not sufficiently involved with the family to be able to answer the questions properly.

Reunions, Dutilhiteiten and lustra are mentioned as the most important activities of the foundation. Karin (daughter of Karel from Turkey) lives in Switzerland but knows the Netherlands well. She believes that the foundation is quite active all over the world and also has good contact with a few. Of the respondents, Renske (daughter of Olivier) is the most active within the foundation: “The trip to Clairac was a highlight for me. It felt like a little vacation with a lot of information about our family history.” Like Gilles (son of Klaas), she also regularly writes for Dutilhiteiten and attends most reunions. Tom (Jop’s son) indicates that he would like to play a role in the board or a committee in the future, just like his brother Daan, who is now on the editorial board. Adrienne Vriesendorp and Karin cannot easily come to activities, they are usually abroad during the reunions on January 1.

What does the future look like? For 2050, Karin is thinking of a worldwide network of family members who maintain contact with and support each other. An anonymous family member writes: “Maybe in 2050 there will be a somewhat broader admission policy (more than 1 generation through the female line). Internet will be used more.” Adrienne: “Should you limit yourself to name bearers and their (grand)children or involve more relations/distant relatives as has happened in recent years?” Gilles: “I would like it if the foundation continues, but I am not prepared to contribute much to it myself. A bit like a free-rider with a small contribution every now and then. Maybe one day the foundation can get a forum/wiki form?” The website dutilh.com is unknown territory for all respondents, but it certainly offers opportunities. The fact that you have to have an account for many parts is mentioned as a hindrance.

Three respondents want to move the reunion to another moment, each time for different reasons. Renske: “I really like 1 January because (almost) everyone is free and doesn’t often have other plans either. Adrienne: “I have serious doubts about the sustainability of the New Year’s meeting. Too static. That could (for the time being) remain for the older generation. But once a year organize a drink for the younger generation in Amsterdam or Rotterdam. The young people have to get to know each other otherwise it will fall apart.”

The lustra are also considered. Tom: “Nice to do it abroad again, but be careful that people drop out too”. Karin: “A lustrum outside the Netherlands can be interesting for people to discover new places.” Adrienne: “There is still plenty to see and do in the Netherlands. Have someone from the younger generation tell what he/she does in everyday life in an appropriate place. I think we have quite a wide variety of talents in the ranks. All together to a performance by Guido!”

And finally Dutilhiteiten? Renske: “I think the magazines are beautiful every year, so I would definitely like to leave it that way.” Karin: “I am happy with the English pieces. It would be better for the environment if the magazine could only be read online in the future.” Gilles: “I always like to browse through, I only read things from the people I know.” Adrienne: “Dutilhiteiten is the most important medium for me to stay connected with the foundation. I would certainly like to switch to digital and not only in 2050. And something more innovative.”

What now?
Based on the answers, it seems sensible to proceed as follows:

  1. In order to hear as many family members as possible about their wishes and thoughts about the future of our foundation, please complete this survey no later than March 1, 2022: https://forms.gle/zAJQvCLqcWkEwGdJ8
  2. A committee is formed of some family members with the task of making a future plan for our family foundation and its activities. This can then be presented to the board and the members for further elaboration. Adrienne has already indicated that she wants to take the lead in this committee. A number of young dogs are currently being sought to help with this. Matters that should be addressed by the committee include:
  • who can become a benefactor of the family foundation in the future?
  • how can young people be more involved in the family foundation and the activities?
  • what is most desirable date and form for family reunions?
  • improve website accessibility and topicality, and focus on other media
  • how do we ensure continuity for the Dutilhiteiten and the family archive?
  • is English increasingly becoming the official language to involve our foreign relatives more or will we stick to Dutch?

Guido Dutilh is vaste partner van Igone de Jongh in programma Igone danst door

Op 5 juni was in Carré Amsterdam de première van het programma Igone danst door. 250 gelukkigen waren getuige van een programma waarin Igone de Jongh met Guido Dutilh als vaste danspartner een nieuw ballet danst op de Canto Ostinato van Simeon ten Holt. Lukas Timulak zorgde voor de choreografie. Het programma is te zien tot maandag 14 juni. In een artikel in het Parool zegt Igone het volgende over het programma: “De voorstelling heeft een stijl die ik nog niet zo goed ken. Veel moderner dan het klassieke ballet, ik dans ook maar een heel klein deel op spitzen. Veel bewegingen heb ik nooit eerder gemaakt, mijn lichaam wordt op een nieuwe manier getest. Heel spannend.”

Daan Dutilh opnieuw in senaat Corps Delft

Na 15 jaar is Daan Dutilh opnieuw toegetreden tot de Senaat van het Delftsch Studenten Corps. Ditmaal niet als President, maar als Secretaris. Hopelijk wordt het opnieuw een memorabele ervaring.

Diana Dutilh-Dumas penningmeester VVPJ

Tijdens de ALV op 26 juni is Diana Dutilh-Dumas benoemd tot penningmeester van de Vereniging van Pensioenjuristen (VVPJ), als opvolger van Lex den Blaauwen. Zelf zegt ze daarover: “Geweldig om die rol te gaan vervullen en zo mijn steentje vanuit het bestuur te kunnen bijdragen aan de Pensioenproblematiek in Nederland“. Daags voor de vergadering was deze benoeming nog niet bekend, hetgeen blijkt uit een bericht van Eelco Hoogendijk op de VVPJ-website: ” Het bestuur hoopt vóór 26 juni a.s. ook nog een tweede persoon te kunnen voordragen. Als die voordracht er is, dan zal die per mail aan de leden bekend worden gemaakt.”

Guido Dutilh krijgt Zwaan 2018 voor meest indrukwekkende dansprestatie

Zwaan meest indrukwekkende dansprestatie 2018

Op vrijdag 12 oktober zijn tijdens het Gala van de Nederlandse Dansdagen in Maastricht de belangrijkste Nederlandse dansprijzen, de Zwanen, uitgereikt. Danser Guido Dutilh kreeg de Zwaan voor ‘meest indrukwekkende dansprestatie 2018’ voor zijn rol in Wir sagen uns Dunkles van Nederlands Dans Theater 2. Uit het juryrapport: ´Guido Dutilh trekt, opkomend uit de donkerte van het toneel, al direct de aandacht van de toeschouwer en weet met zijn loepzuivere precisie en gepassioneerde interpretaties een sfeer van mysterie te creëren. Dutilh krijgt en neemt in deze choreografie van Goecke alle ruimte om zijn technische excellentie én zijn virtuositeit te tonen. Zijn solo in deze productie is dan ook een parel.´ Zie verder.

Guido Dutilh genomineerd voor Zwaan

Opnieuw is Guido Dutilh genomineerd voor een van de VSCD-Dansprijzen (beter bekend als de Zwanen). Guido werd genomineerd in de categorie ‘meest indrukwekkende dansprestatie’ voor zijn rol in Wir sagen uns Dunkles van NDT2. ´Guido Dutilh trekt, opkomend uit de donkerte van het toneel, al direct de aandacht van de toeschouwer en weet met zijn loepzuivere precisie en gepassioneerde interpretaties een sfeer van mysterie te creëren. Dutilh krijgt en neemt in deze choreografie van Goecke alle ruimte om met zijn technische excellentie en meeslepend inlevingsvermogen het begrip virtuositeit te herijken. Zijn solo in deze productie is dan ook een parel.´

Op 5 juli, na afloop van de voorstelling in Florence, kreeg Guido, in aanwezigheid van zijn ouders, een bloemetje overhandigd ter viering van het feit dat hij per 1 augustus deel gaat uitmaken van het NDT1-gezelschap. Na vier jaar kan hij dan een vaste aanstelling bij het NDT krijgen.

Op 12 oktober worden tijdens het Gala van de Nederlandse Dansdagen de winnaars van de VSCD-Dansprijzen bekend gemaakt. Lees meer

€ 1.25 million for refurbishment of monumental colonnade Sant’Anna cemetery Triest (Italy)

Tuesday 27 March initiatives were presented for the necessary conservation, restoration and redevelopment of the Monumental Colonnade of the Santa Anna Cemetery. That cemetary is an important artistic and historical heritage of the city of Trieste, and one of its most significant examples of neoclassical art, dating back to the first half of the 18th century.

To illustrate the scope of the operation, with a total spending of around € 1.25 million, the Councilor for Public Works intervened with the director of Area Enrico Conte and executives and technicians of the Municipality of Trieste who took part in the project, the head of the Cemetery Services of AcegasApsAmga Massimo Carratù and for the Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the art historian Claudia Crosera and the restorer Cristina Gioachin.

The project, is split in three phases. The first phase, which ended in September of last year, a first lot of € 250,000 for the coverage of fourteen of the sixty-one spans of the colonnade and the rehabilitation of part of the rainwater discharge system. The second phase of the works is currently being awarded (second lot for the amount of € 500,000) in which it is planned to complete the restoration of the roof, the replacement of skylights, as well as the rehabilitation of the rainwater disposal system, to finalize the works of the first intervention completed last year.

A third lot of final completion of the works will follow (for a further € 500,000) which will focus on the covered areas of the building, on the mortar of the arches.

To evaluate all the problems related to the tombs of which the concession had expired, a special working group has been set up, formed by the Municipality of Trieste, AcegasApsAmga and the Soprintendenza of Trieste. The general objective to be achieved is to restore dignity and value to an important historical and artistic heritage, also by articulating specific “routes” to the monumental properties of the Cemetery, thus integrating them with the cultural heritage of the city and those of other cemeteries.

Some of the planned redevelopments will be borne by the Municipality of Trieste, in particular regarding 12 tombs of the monumental colonnade, including tomb no 24, which belongs to Daniele Pietro Dutilh and his family.

For the remaining 49 tombs the maintenance costs will be borne by the heirs of the concession holder, who will be invited to start the operations necessary to prevent the degradation of the stone structures, even in order to avoid risks to the safety of people and of the monument itself.

Margriet Mijnssen-Dutilh vertelt over Gelderse vallei

Margriet Mijnssen-Dutilh heeft op 19 maart in haar lezing ‘Van Eemmoeras tot Valleikanaal’ op lichte toon verteld over de geschiedenis van de waterhuishouding in de Gelderse Vallei. Aan de hand van kaarten, foto’s en overstromingsanimaties lichtte ze de waterstaatkundige ontwikkelingen op de grens van de provincies Utrecht en Gelderland toe.