
This is the website of the Dutilh Family Foundation

The Dutilh family originates from Aquitaine, the French Region located in the South West of the country, in particular from places like Bearn and Orthez. Until to date this is the region where most Dutilh’s are living.

The Dutch Dutilh family descends from Clairac, the city which its ancestors left in around 1700. At present around ninety descendants live around the world, but most of them still live in The Netherlands, with a large number in both Rotterdam and Amsterdam.

In 1962 the Dutch family established the Dutilh Family Foundation, with three main objectives:

  1. Maintain and support the interaction between members of the family
  2. Stimulate collection and preservation of family heritage
  3. Create a better understanding of the family history

This website is one of the tools to achieve those objectives.


Dutilhiteiten 2025

Dutilhiteiten 2024

Dutilhiteiten 2023

Dutilhiteiten 2022


Bas Dutilh wins NWO Vidi grant

Bas E. Dutilh has received one of this year’s prestigious Vidi grants from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for his research. The grant consist of 800,000 euros which can be spent to do 5 years of independent research. He will use the money to discover new human gut-associated bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) and investigate their role in structuring the human intestinal flora (also known as the human gut microbiome). The main part of the work will be performed at Utrecht University and Wageningen University, but international scientists on six continents will collaborate in the project. The grant was awarded by the Earth and Life Sciences (ALW) division of NWO after a heavy selection that included a review by anonymous international referees, a rebuttal, and a live interview by a panel of 16 professors from the earth and life sciences. A total of 87 Vidi grants were awarded in 2015, 11 of which within the ALW division. More information.

An article on the application process for ten applicants, including Bas Dutilh, has been published in De Volkskrant of Saturday May 23rd.

Sebastiaan Dutilh to release debut EP

Sebastiaan Dutilh and Belle Doron have decided to release their debut EP called ‘Patterns‘ next Thursday at OT301 (Amsterdam). For just 5 euro’s you get entrance and you’re able to download their killer EP for free. Get your tickets in presale and join their FB-event. Don’t miss out if you would like to experience their new liveset, gloomy visuals and a support show by Oraclez. Read more.

Michiel Dutilh in the Concertgebouw

On Sunday September 28th at 14.15 Michiel Dutilh will play the piano in the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. For more information.

Featured Portrait

Maria Catharine Dutilh-Carlen (1715-1776). More portraits in the Portrait Gallery.